Sixteen Moons - Der Song

„Sixteen Moons“ heißt nicht nur der Titel des ersten Bandes der romantischen Fantasyreihe von Kami Garcia und Margaret Stohl, sondern auch der Song, der sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Story zieht. Mit jedem neuen Band der Romanserie kommen neue Strophen hinzu, wodurch sich die Bedeutung des Textes immer wieder verändert.
Ethan hat den Song "Sixteen Moons" eines Tages auf der Playlist seines iPods gefunden, ohne zu wissen, wie er dort hingekommen ist. Erst später wird ihm die Bedeutung des Textes klar...

In „Nineteen Moons“ schließlich gibt es keine weiteren Strophen des Songs mehr, dafür aber ein Happy End. Und Gedichte, die Lena in Gedanken formuliert. Eines davon kann man als E-Card versenden – an jemanden, den man schmerzlich vermisst ...

Song abspielen:

Der Songtext in voller Länge:


Sixteen moons, sixteen years
Sixteen of your deepest fears
Sixteen times you dreamed my tears
Falling, falling through the years

Sixteen moons, sixteen years
Sixteen times you dreamed my fears
Sixteen will try to blind the spheres
Sixteen screams but just one hears

Sixteen moons, sixteen years
The claiming moon, the hour nears
In these pages darkness clears
Powers bind what fire sears

Sixteen moons, sixteen years
Sounds of thunder in your ears
Sixteen miles before she nears
Sixteen seeks what sixteen fears

Sixteen moon, sixteen years
Now has come the day you fear
Claim or be claimed,
Shed blood, shed tear
Moon or Sun – destroy, revere

Seventeen moons, seventeen years,
Eyes where dark or light appears,
Gold for yes and green for no,
Seventeen the last to know

Seventeen moons, seventeen turns,
Eyes so dark and bright it burns,
Time is high but one is higher,
Draws the moon into the fire

Seventeen moons, seventeen fears,
Pain of death and shame of tears,
Find the marker, walk the mile,
Seventeen knows just exile

Seventeen moons, seventeen spheres,
The moon before her time appears,
Hearts will go and stars will follow,
One is broken, one is hollow

Seventeen moons, seventeen years,
Know the loss, stay the fears,
Wait for him and he appears,
Seventeen moons, seventeen tears

Eighteen moons, eighteen spheres,
From the world beyond the years,
One unchosen, death or birth,
A broken day awaits the earth …

Eighteen moons, eighteen spheres,
From the world beyond the years,
One unchosen, death or birth.
A broken Day awaits the earth …

Eighteen moons, eighteen sheers,
Feeding off your deepest fears,
Vexed to find as darkness nears,
Secret eyes and bidden ears …

Eighteen moons, eighteen fears,
The cries of mortals fade, appears,
Those unknown and those unseen
Crushed in the hands of the demon queen …

Eighteen moons, eighteen years,
The wheel of fate herself appears,
Then the one who is two
Will bring back order anew …

Eighteen moons, eighteen dead
Eighteen runed upon their head.
The earth above, the sky below
The end of days, the reaper’s row …